WordPress is an open source blogging and content management system (CMS). It was originally built for publishing and has developed as a sophisticated base for developing simple and complex Internet and Intranet sites. The expansion of Worpdress is as a result of the work of thousands of developers who have built themes, plugins and widgets to enhance the system. WordPress is the most popular content management system in the world with 74.6 million websites depending on it.

Some of the reasons for using WordPress are:

1. WordPress is open source. This means that the code is accessible by anybody for use and further development under a free license. There are hundreds of free themes, plugins and widgets which are the building blocks of a website.

2. WordPress is relatively easy to use. If you can use a word processor you can be trained to use WordPress.

3. WordPress can be used to design a complete new look for a website. Once the design is finished anybody can update the website content. You do not need a web developer to maintain your site on a regular basis. You can learn how to implementing updates to WordPress, themes, widgets and plugins to help maintain your sites security.

4. Building a responsive website is important as people look at the internet on many different devices; mobile, tablet, laptop, desktop and TV. A responsive website adjusts to the screen size of the device so that you can control how your website is represented.

5. WordPress is search engine friendly and you can also use SEO plugins to increase your visibility on search engines.

6. WordPress is accessible on any device so you can add or edit content wherever you are. You can also schedule content to be posted to your website at specific times keeping everything fresh and real.

7. WordPress has unlimited functionality. You can use it to build basic brochure type sites, ecommerce site and complex membership sites.

8. WordPress is scalable. You can add on functionality as you go !

9. WordPress is continuously being updated by a community of developers and designers. Using WordPress and keeping it updated guarantees that you are conforming to the most up to date standards and regulations.

10. WordPress can easily link to Social Media platforms. You can share content easily onto Social Media platforms from your website.