This is a list of 10 tips for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) to help you get your website ranked higher on search engines like Google and Bing.

Content is king and poor SEO performance may point to poorly structured and non-quality content. This could involve a major redesign of your site with a specialist in this area.

However there are basic changes you can make to your site to improve its ranking in search engines.

Before you do anything check where you rank in search engines for your keywords already, this will give you a base measure with which you can compare your future ranking. Thus you will be able to see what works for you and your business.

You cannot set up your site fully SEO optimised and expect that the job is complete. It is not. You need to work on your search engine optimisation daily to continue building your quality content, linkages and online reputation. Social Marketing is a big part of SEO and can help you be found easier in search engines.

I made an Infographic of 10 Tips for Better SEO.  Please feel free to share.

10 SEO Tips for you


  1. Think about SEO when your site is being built. It’s easier to build good SEO into the design of a new site rather than trying to retrofit it.
  2. When writing content use your keywords in the text but do not overuse them making your content difficult to read. Search engines know when you do this. Good content will keep your visitor on your site and drive traffic to you by encouraging people to share what you have to say.
  3. Update content regularly. Search engines like you to keep your content fresh. A Blog on your site is an easy way to do this.
  4. Put an alt tag and a keyword rich caption on each picture on your site and ensure that the text around the image gives it context.
  5. Use a unique title tag on each page. This should be focused on your keywords and what your potential customer is likely to search for,
  6. Upload a Favicon to your site, that’s the little image you see on the address bar next to your website title. It doesn’t directly affect SEO but does add to the usability, branding and credibility of your website.
  7. Build links to other sites, they are really important. Other sites linking to your content shows that what you have to say is valued and search engines will see this. Build links with reputable sites. A small quantity of good quality links is more valuable that a large quantity of poor quality links.
  8. Use your keyword in links within your site and to your site. Instead of saying ‘click here’ use your keyword.
  9. Use keyword phrases instead of single words. Don’t try to optimise a page for several keywords. Use your location in your keyword too, it means that you will be found in local searches.
  10. Optimise each blog post otherwise you are not maximising the ability of your content to bring more visitors to your site.